Core Databases

Searches multiple databases simultaneously.

Reference Databases

Tips & Examples

Search keywords in the default field and text fields.
Combine subject and keyword searching.
Identify relevant descriptors (DE), or subjects, in the article record and click the link for more items on the subject.

The examples below include a variety of formats and search types, such as database "controlled vocabularies," or subjects, with keywords. Click the links below to view the results then evaluate and tweak the search for other similar results. Use the database limits, such as date, peer-reviewed, academic journals, and subjects. Try the searches in different databases.

  • DE "children with disabilities" AND TX caribbean (DE=descriptor or subject term, TX=text)
  • "special education" AND cultur* and russia (phrase and keywords search)
  • DE "Special education" AND hispanic and u.s. (DE=descriptor or subject term and keywords)

Search Strategies

Boolean Operator Strategy Examples of key terms for searching
AND Use to search different concepts together; produces fewer results culture AND education
OR Use to link similar terms; produces more results disabilities OR special needs
NOT Use to specify a term you do not want in the search results (children OR child) AND disabilities NOT therapy
Other Search Techniques Strategy Examples of key terms for searching
Truncation (*) Searches the ROOT of a word ended with *; searches alternative endings educat* AND culture
Searches: educate, educates, education AND culture, cultures, cultural
Phrase Search Use quotation marks to search an exact phrase "children with disabilities" AND educat* AND cultur*