Finding Articles and Dissertations

Finding Articles

Check out these videos on finding articles.

opens new windowthumbnail image for How to Use the Journal Finder video
How to Find a Journal Article from a Citation
ORU Library, 2020, 1:42 Transcript
opens new windowthumbnail to How to Find Articles video tutorial
Finding Articles in Periodicals
ORU Library, 2020, 4:59 Transcript
opens new windowthumbnail
How to Use EagleSearch to Find Periodical Articles
ORU Library 2020 5:32 Transcript

Check out these library guides on finding articles and journals.

Finding Dissertations

Google Scholar & Google Books

opens new windowGoogle Scholar (Google Scholar settings)
Set up Google Scholar on your favorite browser to show E-Resources@ORU off campus

opens new windowGoogle Books

Citing APA style

APA-Citing Sources

Citing Sources with APA 7th Edition


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