Library Databases and Reference Books

Political Science Complete EBSCO

CQ researcher

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ProQuest US Major Dailies

Primary Sources


1. Consult the Contacts section of a report on CQ Researcher database

screenshot of contact list from CQ researcher report on veterans' struggles










2. Use the Google search tool for searching within a web site or domain type.

To search within government web domains, add to your search terms. To search within a particular website, add site: followed by the URL to your search terms.

3. When reading articles, watch for references to primary sources. 

screenshot of article abstract showing reference to a primary source

Citing Sources

Setting up Google Scholar to show e-resources at Oral Roberts University Library

Step 1

Google Scholar Home pageGo to (1).

Click on the menu icon at the left (2).

Step 2

Google Scholar MenuClick on Settings (1)

Step 3

Google Scholar Settings MenuClick on Library links (1).

Step 4

Google Scholar Library Links settingsType "Oral Roberts University Library" in the search box (1).

Check the box next to Oral Roberts University Library - E-resources@Oral Roberts (2).

Click Save (3).

Step 5

Google Scholar results showing e-Resources at Oral Roberts University Library link at rightIf we have the article in our databases,
the link E-resources@OralRoberts will appear (1).
You can click on that link to find the article.