Library Databases & Reference Books
The Encyclopedia of Political Science by
Call Number: EbookPublication Date: 2010
- Political Science Complete This link opens in a new window
- CQ Researcher This link opens in a new window
- HeinOnline This link opens in a new window
- US Major Dailies This link opens in a new window
Primary Sources
1. Consult the Contacts section of a report on CQ Researcher database.
2. Use the Google search tool for searching within a web site or domain type.
3. When reading articles, watch for references to primary sources.
Citing Sources
- The Chicago Manual of Style Online
- Citing Sources with APA 7th EditionThis guide contains examples of citations according to APA 7th edition and links to helpful resources on the APA Style web site.
- APA Style ReferencesThe APA website provides information and examples on citing sources using APA 7th edition.
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