Sample Journal Searches in Journal Finder+
- Counseling and pastoral ministry(church* or chaplain* or eccles* or preach* or homilet* or liturg* or pastoral or clergy or minist* or counsel*) AND PT journal
- Religion in the Global South(afric* or asia* or ((south or central) and america*) or niger* or ghan* or liberia* or guinea* or congo* or uganda* or keny* or kore* or chinese or chin a or indones* or japan* or singapor* or brazil* or venezu* or argent*) AND PT journal
- Missionsmissio* AND PT journal
- Theologytheolog* AND PT journal
- Denominational journals(protesta* or catholic* or pentecostal* or methodis* or baptist* or lutheran* or presbyterian* or orthodox or reformed or moravian or evangelical*) and PT journal
- Bible(bible or biblical or scriptur* or testament) AND PT journal
- Church history("church*" OR eccles*) AND histor* AND (PT journal) AND (PT Journal)
Spirit-Empowerment Journals
- Catalog This link opens in a new window
Below are listed a number of journals and other periodicals related to the Pentecostal/charismatic movement. If a link is not provided below, to locate these in print in the Library search by title in the Library catalog. For more Spirit-empowered periodical titles available in the ORU Library, perform a keyword search in the Library catalog for Pentecostal* and periodicals. (Use of some of these requires ORU login credentials)
- Africa Journal of Pentecostal StudiesHSRC (paper); 2002–2007
- Asian Journal of Pentecostal Studies1998 to present (online); 2000–2006 (paper); opens new windowRecent Issues Online
- Australasian Pentecostal Studies1999 to present
- Australian Evangel / Glad Tidings Messenger1927 – 1966, 1987 (some vols./issues missing)
- Charisma Magazine2009 to present (online)
- Chilean Pentecostal Periodicals1909–1983
- EPTA BulletinChristianity, systematic theology; 1982–2009; Followed by the Journal of the European Pentecostal Theological Association
- European Pentecostal Charismatic Research Association Papers1989, 1991, 1999, 2001, 2009, 2011
- International Journal of Pentecostal MissiologyAssemblies of God, missions, peer-reviewed; 2013 to present
- New Wine1969-1986
- ParacletePentecostal, pastoral & practical ministries; 1967–1995
- Pentecostal Journal of Theology and Mission2016–2017; Published in the US in partnership with the HSRC
- Pentecost Today2000 to present
- The Pentescope: Continental Theological Seminary2020 to present
- PneumAfrica Journal: The Online Journal of African Pentecostal ChristianityPentecostal, peer-reviewed; 2013
- Pneuma Review2013 to present (online); 1998 to present (paper - BR1644 .P578 - Holy Spirit Resource Center)
- The Spirit & Church1999–2002
- Spiritus: ORU Journal of TheologyPentecostalism; 1985, 2017 to present
- The World Alliance for Pentecostal Education (WAPTE) Conference PapersPentecostal, education; 2010; opens new window2013