Sample Journal Searches in Journal Finder+
- Counseling and pastoral ministry(church* or chaplain* or eccles* or preach* or homilet* or liturg* or pastoral or clergy or minist* or counsel*) AND PT journal
- Missionsmissio* AND PT journal
- Religion in the Global South(afric* or asia* or ((south or central) and america*) or niger* or ghan* or liberia* or guinea* or congo* or uganda* or keny* or kore* or chinese or chin a or indones* or japan* or singapor* or brazil* or venezu* or argent*) AND PT journal
- Denominational journals(protesta* or catholic* or pentecostal* or methodis* or baptist* or lutheran* or presbyterian* or orthodox or reformed or moravian or evangelical*) and PT journal
- Theologytheolog* AND PT journal
- Bible(bible or biblical or scriptur* or testament) AND PT journal
Spirit-Empowerment Journals
Below are listed a number of journals and other periodicals related to the Pentecostal/charismatic movement. For more Spirit-empowered periodical titles available in the ORU Library, see opens new windowhere. (Use of some of these requires ORU login credentials)
- Africa Journal of Pentecostal StudiesHSRC (paper)
2002–2007 - Australasian Pentecostal Studies1999 to present
- Australian Evangel / Glad Tidings Messenger1927-1966, 1987 (some vols./issues missing)
- Charisma Magazine2009 to present (online)
- Chilean Pentecostal Periodicals1909-1983
- EPTA BulletinChristianity, systematic theology
Followed by the Journal of the European Pentecostal Theological Association - European Pentecostal Charismatic Research Association Papers1989, 1991, 1999, 2001, 2009, 2011
- GoodNews Magazine (London)Catholic Charismatic, biblical studies, worship and spirituality
2002 to present - International Journal of Pentecostal MissiologyAssemblies of God, missions, peer-reviewed
2013 to present - New Wine1969-1986
- ParacletePentecostal, pastoral & practical ministries
1967-1995 - Pentecostal Journal of Theology and Mission2016-2017
Published in the US in partnership with the HSRC - Pentecost Today2000 to present
- The Pentescope: Continental Theological Seminary2020- Present
- PneumAfrica Journal: The Online Journal of African Pentecostal ChristianityPentecostal, peer-reviewed
2013 - Pneuma Review2013 to present (online)
opens new window1998 to present (paper - BR1644 .P578 - Holy Spirit Resource Center) - The Spirit & Church1999-2002
- Spiritus: ORU Journal of TheologyPentecostalism
1985, 2017 to present - Vanguard Journal of Theology and Ministry (affiliated with Pentecostals Assemblies of Canada)The Vanguard Journal of Theology and Ministry (VJTM) is an open-access journal dedicated to publishing the scholarly works of students, scholars, and practitioners. It is based out of Vanguard College, an evangelical Bible college affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada (PAOC) in Edmonton, Alberta. Issues are published once a year and are peer-reviewed in a double-blind process. The VJTM welcomes original scholarship in the fields of theology and applied ministry.
- Malaysian Pentecostal JournalThe Malaysian Pentecostal Journal (eISSN: 3009-0059) is an annual publication by the Malaysia Pentecostal Research Centre, Bible College of Malaysia. It intends to promote Pentecostal studies on Pentecostal movements, theology, education, spirituality, practice, missions, and history in the Malaysian context and beyond.