About the Global Learning Center VR Room

ORU's opens new windowGlobal Learning Center (GLC) offers a variety of Immersive Learning Technologies using special virtual reality rooms and equipment, providing students with an "unmatched learning experience." To experience the Virtual Reality applications listed below, you will need to go to the Global Learning Center. Contact the GLC at infoGLC@oru.edu

Explore the 3D model of the GLC -opens new window ORU Global Learning Center - 3rd Floor with VR Lab

VR Room
VR Room
VR Room
VR Room
VR Room
VR Room

EON Icube Virtual Reality Experience

"ORU's Icube: Step inside ORU's full immersive 3-dimensional environment and explore a jet engine" (YouTube, 1:34 mins.)

Icube, located in the GLC VR Room 303, is a walk-in immersive virtual reality experience for up to four people.

Immersive experiences include:

Apache helicopter
Castle plaza
Christmas Sleigh Experience
Discovery world (town in WI)
Eye anatomy
Heart -Dissectible and labeled heart in VR
Hyperloop prototype
Indoor mill
Jet Engine -A jet engine that can be taken apart and turned on/off
Large jet engine
Logging Truck
Neuron -Dissectible and labeled heart in VR
Off shore oil Platform
Paccar Engine
Portuguese town
Rock face
Soccer stadium
Solar System -A look at the Solarsytemin Virtual reality
The Upper Room Experience
Vibrator truck
Yacht Exterior & Interior

EON Icatcher 3D & Virtual Display

EON Icatcher software is an "immersive display and 3D interactive authoring software." Immersive experiences include:

  • City explosion
  • Chinese village
  • Eye Sim Opthamology VR -A an in-depth look at the eye and a simulated eye exam provides students with classroom practice.
  • ISS explodes
  • Jerusalem Tour
  • ​Jet Engine
  • Paccar Engine - An engine with simulated actions and disassembly

zSpace Immersive Experiences

zSpaceAR/VR Learning Experience- opens new windowzspace.com/edu
zSpace Educational Content offers thousands of zSpace learning activities using zSpace devices, currently located in the GLC. Faculty can display on the Ibench (big screen in the GLC VR room), 3D objects of the zSpace full VR experiences. Explore, present, analyze, compare, manipulate and/or dissect thousands of 3D models. View the opens new windowCustomer Map to see colleges and universities that have installed zSpace.

zSpaceStudio allows students immersive experiences of hundreds of learning objects from EON iCube, also located in the GLC VR room.

Sample zSpace experiences:

  • Airplane (engineering)
  • Heart Beating (nursing)
  • Human skull anatomy (nursing)
  • Jet Engine (engineering)
  • Thyroid (nursing)

Transforming 1-dimentional images into 3-dimentional models: Using Ibench to enhance learning by Stephen Guzman (YouTube, 1:08mins.)