Journal Finder +
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To find journals use keyword or other field searching, browse journals within selected databases, or browse journals by subject.
Selected Journal
Several selected journals are linked below, followed by relevant terms for searching.
- Counseling and pastoral ministry(church* or chaplain* or eccles* or preach* or homilet* or liturg* or pastoral or clergy or minist* or counsel*) AND PT journal
- Missionsmissio* AND PT journal
- Religion in the Global South(afric* or asia* or ((south or central) and america*) or niger* or ghan* or liberia* or guinea* or congo* or uganda* or keny* or kore* or chinese or chin a or indones* or japan* or singapor* or brazil* or venezu* or argent*) AND PT journal
- Denominational journals(protesta* or catholic* or pentecostal* or methodis* or baptist* or lutheran* or presbyterian* or orthodox or reformed or moravian or evangelical*) and PT journal
- Theologytheolog* AND PT journal
- Bible(bible or biblical or scriptur* or testament) AND PT journal
- Church history("church*" OR eccles*) AND histor* AND (PT journal) AND (PT Journal)