Developing a Thesis for a Research Paper
Identify a compelling research question and attempt to answer it.
Example: What did Jesus mean when he taught his disciples to pray, "Lead us not into temptation" (Matt. 6:13; Luke 11:4)?
- Ways to approach the problem:
- Exegetical question: What do the Greek words for lead and temptation mean? How does the context in Matthew and Luke help to explain what the Gospel writers understood Jesus to mean? Where else are these words used in Scripture, and where else does Scripture refer to God leading his people into a time of testing? How do these other passages clarify the meaning in Matthew 6 and Luke 11?
- Translation question: In what other way might "Lead us not into temptation" be translated into English that would assist the reader to be less likely to misinterpret Jesus' meaning?
- Theological question: Would a good God tempt his children or deliberately lead them into temptation? How have other theologians attempted to answer this question? What can I learn from their attempts? If I agree with them, why; if I disagree, how?
- Ministry question: How does this theological problem apply to persons or communities that are going through a time of testing?
Issues, Debates & Controversies - Book Series
- Catalog This link opens in a new window
In the library catalog, search the series titles below to view the list of book titles.
- Contemporary World Issues
- Covers such issues as homelessness, chemical and biological warfare, counterterrorism, environmentalism, AIDS, hate crimes, Christianity and politics, nuclear weapons, racial and ethnic diversity, and religion in the schools.
- Counterpoints
- Covers such topics as apologetics, baptism, eternal security, church growth movement, creation and evolution, hell, law and gospel, messianic movement, moving beyond the Bible to theology, miraculous gifts, New Testament use of the Old Testament, the Rapture, remarriage after divorce, salvation in a pluralistic world, spectrum of evangelicalism, women in ministry, biblical inerrancy, Christian spirituality, divine providence, the Apostle Paul, historical Adam, and the doctrine of the Trinity,
- Historical Guides to Controversial Issues in America
- Opinions throughout History
- Opposing Viewpoints
- Includes over 150 titles
- Spectrum Multiview Books
- Topics include faith and reason, biblical hermeneutics, God and morality, justification, and psychology and Christianity.
- Taking Sides
- Presents "clashing views" on such topics as bioethics, education, environment, foreign policy, family and personal relationships, human sexuality, politics, moral and social issues, and economics.
Contrasting Views on Theological Topics - Individual Books
Search the titles listed below in the library catalog. Then, for books located in the library, record the call number and location to find the book. For ebooks, click the link in the catalog record to go to the full text ebook.
Are Miraculous Gifts for Today by
Call Number: BT767.3 .A74 1996ISBN: 0310201551Publication Date: 1996Baptism: Three Views by
Call Number: BV812 .B37 2009ISBN: 9780830838561Publication Date: 2009Perspectives on Spirit Baptism: Five Views by
Call Number: BT123 .P43 2004Publication Date: 2004Understanding Spiritual Warfare: Four Views by
Call Number: EbookPublication Date: 2012
Additional suggested titles to search in the catalog:
- Biblical hermeneutics: five views
- Christian faith and social justice: five views
- Christian spirituality: five views of sanctification
- Christianity and the postmodern turn: six views
- Divine foreknowledge: four views
- Evaluating the church growth movement: 5 views
- Evangelical theological method: five views
- Faith and reason three views
- Five views on apologetics
- Five views on biblical inerrancy
- Five views on law and Gospel
- Five views on sanctification
- Four views of youth ministry and the church: inclusive congregational, preparatory, missional, strategic
- Four views on Christian spirituality
- Four views on divine providence
- Four views on eternal security
- Four views on hell
- Four views on moving beyond the Bible to theology
- Four views on salvation in a pluralistic world
- Four views on the Apostle Paul
- Four views on the historical Adam
- Four views on the role of works at the final Judgment
- Four views on the spectrum of evangelicalism
- From exorcism to ecstasy: eight views of baptism
- The G3n3sis debate: three views on the days of creation
- God & morality: four views
- Grace, Faith, and Free Will: Contrasting Views of Salvation: Calvinism and Arminianism
- The historical Jesus: five views
- Homosexuality and the Bible: two views
- How Jewish is Christianity? : two views on the Messianic movement
- Justification: five views
- The Lord's Supper: five views
- The matriarchs of Genesis seven women, five views
- The Meaning of the millennium: four views
- The nature of the atonement: four views
- Only one way? three Christian responses to the uniqueness of Christ in a pluralistic world
- Perspectives on election : five views
- Perspectives on Israel and the church 4 views
- Perspectives on our struggle with sin : 3 views of Romans 7
- Perspectives on the doctrine of God: 4 Views
- Perspectives on the extent of the atonement 3 views
- Predestination & free will: four views of divine sovereignty & human freedom
- Psychology & Christianity: five views
- Remarriage after divorce in today's church : 3 views
- Revelation, four views: a parallel commentary
- Science and Christianity: an introduction to the issues
- Show them no mercy: four views on God and Canaanite genocide
- Three views on creation and evolution
- Three views on Eastern Orthodoxy and evangelicalism
- Three views on the millennium and beyond
- Three views on the New Testament use of the Old Testament
- Three views on the origins of the Synoptic Gospels
- Three views on the Rapture: pre; mid; or post-Tribulation?
- Three views on the Rapture: pretribulation, prewrath, or posttribulation
- Two views of hell: a biblical & theological dialogue
- Two views of virtue: absolute relativism and relative absolutism
- Two views on the doctrine of the Trinity
- Two views on women in ministry
- Understanding four views on baptism
- What about those who have never heard?: three views on the destiny of the unevangelized
- Women in ministry: four views
- Youth ministry in the 21st century: five views
Related Reference Works
To find the books and ebooks listed below, search the titles in the catalog.
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Call Number: EbookISBN: 0028657748Publication Date: 2004
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Call Number: EbookISBN: 0674016874Publication Date: 2005The Pro-Life/Choice Debate by
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