Searching the Library Catalog

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The search box on the home page is the best place to start. Choose "Books, Ebooks, and Media" to search for both print and ebooks.

You can change your search options by choosing the following from the dropdown menu:

  • Keyword - for searching all titles, subjects and abstracts for a key word. (most common search)
  • Title - If you know the title of the book, choose "title" from the menu and type the title.
  • Author - If you want to view all the books by an author, type the last name, first name (ex. Roberts, Oral)
  • Subject Heading - Similar to key words, all records have assigned subjects. You can search basic subjects, such as "Pentecostalism"

This search can also be used to find journal titles.

5 Reasons to Use the Library Catalog

  1. To find out whether the ORU Library owns a particular title. The Library Catalog is the tool to use to find out whether a book or other information resource is physically available in the Library. The physical formats collected by the ORU Library include printed books, paper journals including loose current issues and bound volumes of back issues,DVDS, and microfilm. The titles of most of the ebooks the Library owns or provides access to are also searchable in the catalog.
  2. To see what the Library has on a certain topic. Start with a keyword search such as africa* AND relig*, scan the results to find a title that pertains to the research topic, look at the record for that item, and then click a relevant subject heading, e.g., Africa -- Religion.
  3. To see which books an instructor has put on reserve. The catalog can also be used to find the titles of the books or other items your professor has put on reserve for a course. To search for reserve materials, use the Instructor Search page (the link is located in the right menu of any catalog search page) and search by the instructor's last name.
  4. To renew items borrowed from the Library. The catalog can be used renew books provided they are not overdue. Sign into your library account using your first and last name and the barcode of your ORU ID card. Mark the items you wish to renew, and click the "Renew" button. If books are overdue, contact the Library Services Desk.
  5. To browse the library shelves. The catalog can be used to browse the library shelves electronically. Do a call number search and begin browsing. For example, search for opens new windowBR1644 from the call number search page, and browse the titles that have that classification.