Citing Books & Ebooks

For more information on citing books and sample citations, visit the opens new windowAPA Style page on Book References and Section 10.2 of the opens new window APA Publication Manual, Seventh Edition

Print Book or Ebook


American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.). opens new window

Maxwell, J. C. (2019). 21 qualities of leaders in the Bible: Key leadership traits of the men and women in scripture. Thomas Nelson.

Miller, R. K., & Washington, K. (2019). Leisure business market research handbook 2019-2020 (7th ed.). Richard K. Miller & Associates.


First reference:

(American Psychological Association [APA]., 2020)

(Maxwell, 2019).

(Miller & Washington, 2019)

Reference for a direct quote:

(American Psychological Association [APA]., 2020, pp. 321-322)

(Maxwell, 2019, pp. 29-30)

(Miller & Washington, 2019, p. 115)

Subsequent references:

(APA, 2020) or(APA, 2020, p. 264)

Note: References for books and ebooks (whether from a database, in Kindle or other format) are cited exactly the same if the content is the same, regardless of the format. (APA. p. 322)

Ebook on the Web


Laws, J. (2018). Essentials of financial management. Liverpool University Press. opens new window


(Laws, 2018)

Chapter from a Book


Jeavons, T. H. (2016). Ethical nonprofit management: Core values and key practices. In D. O. Renz, & R. D. Herman (Ed.), The Jossey-Bass handbook of nonprofit leadership and management (4th ed., pp. 188-216). Jossey-Bass.

Note: Use this format when the book chapters have individual authors. (APA, p. 264, 322)

Kriek, D. (2019). Team leadership: Theories, tools and techniques. Knowledge Resources.

Note: When the book chapter does not have an author other than the author of the entire book, the citation in the Reference list should be for the entire book, but the in-text reference can specify the chapter. (APA, p. 264, 322, and the opens new windowAPA Style blog entry on citing chapters).


(Jeavons, 2016)

(Kriek, 2019, Chapter 9)