Theological Journals Search

This Google custom search engine allows you to find full-text articles in hundreds of religious, open-access online journals and other periodicals. For more information about TJS, click opens new windowhere.

TJS's Tiny URL

PLEASE NOTE: TJS's tiny URL is a little easier to use:

About Theological Journals Search LibGuide

The TJS LibGuide lists and links to open access--free on the Web--journals, magazines, newsletters, and other periodical literature related to:

  • Theology
  • Scripture studies
  • pastoral and practical ministries
  • religious studies
  • cognate disciplines.

The full text of many of these journals is searchable and retrievable via Theological Journals Search, a Google custom search engine created in 2006 by ORU theological librarian, Sally Jo Shelton, PhD. For now, only a representative number of the hundreds of journals searchable in TJS are listed in the guide, but more will be added as time allows.

At last count, TJS had been searched 30,685 times in 2017 and 34,278 times in 2018. Altogether it has been searched more than 422,850times.

While TJS is certainly no substitute for commercial databases, it has several advantages:

  • It allows searchers to quickly locate reviews of recently published books and articles on current events that commercial databases typically don't have yet due to the lag time that indexing requires.
  • It includes many titles that have never found their way into DOAJ, as TJS includes both peer-reviewed and non-refereed titles.
  • It attempts to cover all Christian traditions;other religions are represented as well.
  • It has languages besides English, so searches in non-English languages will often work too.

Please feel free to link to TJS, if you haven't so far, and if you have suggestions as to how to make it better, or if you have titles you want to be added, please feel free to email at any time.