Reference Databases
- Credo Reference This link opens in a new windowIncludes images, encyclopedias, dictionaries, atlases, and handbooks.
Credo: Music Books
Credo: Music Topic Pages
Credo: Opera Topic Pages - Gale eBooks This link opens in a new windowVarious subject encyclopedias covering multiple disciplines.
GVRL: Music
GVRL: Music Topic Finder
GVRL: Music Subjects - Points of View Reference Center This link opens in a new windowProvides essays that present multiple sides of current issues, each with an overview (objective background/description), point (argument), counterpoint (opposing argument), and a Guide to Critical Analysis.
Example: music censorship
In the Library
- Catalog This link opens in a new window
To find reference books, search the Library catalog and limit your results to "Reference Collection." Use keywords or try a subject search for music.
Browse the shelves in the music call number sections as shown in the chart below .
See opens new window Library of Congress Classification Outline for a detailed call number and subject list. Drill down through the M--Music and Books on Music subject.
Books are shelved in Library of Congress (LC) call number order so similar subjects will be shelved next to each other. When you find a book of interest look to the left and right on the shelf for related books.
Selected Reference Books
Search the book titles below in the library catalog. Ebook records in the catalog will have links to the full text.
- American Musical Theatre - ML1711.B67 2010
- Baker's Dictionary of Opera - ML102.O6 B26 2000
- The Complete Library of Christian Worship - BV10.2 .C65 1993
- A Dictionary of Hymnology - BV305.J8
- Encyclopedia of American Gospel Music - Ebook
- Encyclopedia of American Gospel Music - ML102.G6 E63 2005
- Encyclopedia of Contemporary Christian Music - Ebook
- Encyclopedia of Contemporary Christian Music - ML105.E52 2010
- Encyclopedia of the Piano - ML102.P5 E53 1996
- The Hymn Tune Index - ML128.H8 T46 1998
- Index to Poetry in Music - oML128.S3 B68 2003
- The New Grove Dictionary of Music & Musicians - ML100.G885
- Oxford Composer Companions: J.S. Bach - ML410.B1 J15