New Books & Ebooks!

To view more new book titles, search your topic or subject in the catalog, then choose "Newest First" from the drop menu and click "Sort."

Library Liaison & Help

myra-bloomMyra Bloom, M.A., M.L.I.S.
J.D. McKean Library, Room 214C

Let me know how I can assist you...

bookshelf Library Acquisitions
To request books, ebooks, or journals for library purchase, you can fill out the opens new windowpurchase request form or send your request to Myra Bloom. I will make sure your request goes to the appropriate person. If you need books in a subject area or on a specific topic, please let me know and I will locate some relevant titles.

teaching LIBBIs (Library Instruction Sessions)

  • Request a LIBBI - If your class has an upcoming assignment, I can set up a LIBBI (library instruction session) in the library's LIBBI Lab for your students to get guided research help. We can also meet on Zoom, as needed.
  • Request a VR session - If your students are interested in the Library's VR or 3D programs, I can meet with them in the library, provide a demonstration, and guide them in a hands-on experience.
  • If you are interested in integrating opens new windowLibrary Learning Technologies into a course, I will be happy to explore options and work with you.
  • Request an online tutorial - Your students can get additional support by working through a relevant online tutorial at their own pace. Upon tutorial completion students can get a "Certificate of Completion" to upload to their D2L course.

search Course and Assignment LibGuides

  • Request a custom-designed LibGuide with recommended articles, books, journals and databases, and suggest research tools and strategies for your students. A LibGuide can be created to support an assignment, topic, or other course objective.
  • Request a LibGuide with "Professor Selected Readings" or required course readings that list article citations and provides full text links, when available. I can also work with you to find relevant articles on a specific subject to post on the page.

online learning Brightspace (D2L) - Embedding Article & Video Links

If you have article readings for your class, I can assist with embedding full text links, when available, in your Brightspace course. You may want to explore and embed some opens new windowAVON academic videos in your D2L course shell. I can help!