Updates in Library Personnel

Acquisitions Associate
AbbyWe welcome our newest member of the Library Team, Ms. Abigail Feltham, as Acquisitions Associate. We are so pleased to have Abigail as a part of our team.

Library Research Assistants

The library is in the process of hiring two part time research assistants to oversee the library during weekend and evening hours. They will be trained to provide basic research help and to refer students for more help from the liaison librarian for their subject area.

Other Changes in the Library

Preparing for Our New Library

JD McKean Library work in progress and architect's renderingThe library team is working hard to prepare for our move to the new J.D. McKean Library in the Summer of 2023.

The new library will feature beautiful and roomy study spaces with lots of natural light. 

Many of our less-frequently needed print books and journals will be stored in a "library annex" in the CityPlex Towers, available to our users on request. 

Books and journals which are outdated and/or no longer needed are being offered to the Internet Archive, which will digitize these items and make them available to scholars worldwide. 


New Study Areas in the Library

Over the summer the library team evaluated the print periodical collection then took action to weed or send and store periodicals at the Library Annex in CityPlex. 

Periodical shelving units have been taken down on both the 5th and 4th floors of the library and replaced with newly created study and group areas.  (Only shelving along the wall on the 4th floor remains for future staging, as needed.)

Images below show the work in progress over the summer and the new study areas.

5th Floor Change  library 5th floor

4th Floor Change  4th floor library