Off Campus?

JSTOR with Lean Library

When you have Lean Library installed, if you are off campus immediately the Lean library pop-up appears and tells you that ‘you can access this through your library!’

Open Access Articles

open access

The extension will search open access databases covering CORE and UNPAYWALL databases and also the Directory of Open Access Books database, using an ISBN – and here we can see the extension directing the user to a full text open access article.

Interlibrary Loan

Interlibrary loan

If the item is not found in the Library's holdings, the Extension asks if you would like to order the item through Interlibrary Loan – this will link through to ORU Library's ILL form and populate it with the metadata. All you need to do is enter your contact information and submit!

Assist Messages

D&B HooversNew York Times Wall Street Journal

Lean Library allows our librarians to create custom messages on specific websites to ease your access to our available content.