Videos & Video Clips

AVON - Academic Videos Online Database

A comprehensive collection of academic videos curated across many disciplines such as business, theater, counseling, health, history, music and many more. Our subscription allows for limited public screenings (as long as no admission is charged and is viewed on ORU campus), includes permission for classroom showings and opens new windowability to embed into D2L. Content includes documentaries, interviews, feature films, news programs, demonstrations, raw footage, etc.

Videos by Subject
Click a link below to view a list of videos by that subject. Numerous subjects are available to browse for government and political subjects. In AVON, click the filter icon to search and view other subjects, limit by person or publisher, set dates, and more.

Sample AVON Videos

thumbnail link to AVON video "The Rise of Putin"

thumbnail link to AVON video "Battle for Hong Kong"