How to Find Articles on Your Topic or Subject

  1. Select a database.
    opens new windowAcademic Search Complete (largest multidisciplinary academic database; covers all subject areas)
    opens new windowEagleSearch (EBSCOhost discovery tool; searches multiple databases simultaneously)
    See: opens new window databases or opens new windowCourse and Subject Guides for database lists.
  2. Enter a search expression.
    Key in concepts or keywords from your thesis statement and other significant words that describe your topic. Search appropriate fields, such as subject, keyword, scripture, people, company entity. Browse and search the subject headings or thesauri. See the Search Strategies chart at right.
  3. Review the results and edit the Search to match your assignment requirements.
    Limit by date, peer reviewed items, format, subject, etc.

  4. Choose an article and access the full text.
    Click PDF, HTML, linked Full text or similar option, as shown in the examples below. (Click an image below to go to the article record.) Examples of full text links:

    • ​ScienceDirect record:

      ScienceDirect record

    • EBSCOhost record:
      opens new windowFull text link

    • If full text links are not available use the link options to find the article or request it through interlibrary loan.
      opens new windowFull text link

      -- Full Text Finder (or similar link): Click to see if the article is available elsewhere in the Library. The link may go the library catalog, another database, or the article may not be available. Oral Roberts University Catalog links go to the journal record in the library catalog. You would then need to check to see if the library has the date(s) needed. If the date needed is available in the library, record or print the holdings information, including format (microform, CD-ROM, hard-copy), location and call number to find the journal then the article.
      --Request from another library identifies that the article is not available at ORU and would need to be requested through interlibrary loan. If you need the article, click on the link and complete the form to request it through opens new windowInterlibrary Loan (ILL). Note: There is usually a small fee for ILL materials.

  5. Review and evaluate your results the refine your search. Add additional key words. Include a subject search.
  6. Store and manage your articles, if possible.

Search Strategies

Use the chart below to guide you in developing effective search expressions.

Search Strategies