Information You Need From the Catalog

Before you can find the book on the shelves, you need to get some information from the catalog.

book catalog record

Get the Status

1) First, look at the Status.status in catalog record

  • If it says AVAILABLE, you can check it out.

Get the Floor Location

location in catalog record

2) Next, look at the Location.

  • JD McKean Library: means the book is in the library. Call Numbers A-BX are on the first floor and Call Numbers C-Z are on the second floor.

Get the Call Number

3) Now, take a picture or write down the Call Number. book spine with call numbercall number in catalog recordYou need this number to find the book on the shelf.

This Call Number will be on the spine (or sometimes the front) of the book.

Now you know the location on the shelf. Next you need to find out how to find the right shelf in the library.