Begin Your Search

  1. Begin at the Library's Home page.
  2. Click on the Books tab.

home page

  1. Next, leave the dropdown on Keyword.
  2. Enter your topic in the search box, Holy Spirit and Worship.
  3. Click on Submit.

Limit to Print Only

  • If you want to see print books only, click on the Modify Search button.

modify catalog search results

  • Select PRINTED MATL in the Material Type selection, then click on Submit.

modify catalog results by limiting to print materials

Find Additional Books on One Subject

  • To find more books on the topic in addition to those in the results list, click on the title of a book in the results list that matches your research interest. In this example, we clicked on the title of the first book.

topic results list in the catalog search

  • Scroll down the page to Subjects. Click on the Subject that matches your topic. Both of these subjects match our topic, so click on one. In this example, we clicked Holy Spirit.

  • Now you have a results list of all the books on the Subject, Holy Spirit.

results list for subject search on Holy Spirit

Narrow to Find Books on Two Subjects

To add the other subject, Worship to the search and narrow to books that have both Holy Spirit and Worship as subjects, click on Limit/Sort Search.

  1. On this page, remember to limit to PRINTED MATL if you want only print books.
  2. Change the drop down to Words in the SUBJECT and type worship in the search box.
  3. Click on Submit.

  • There are 2 books that have both Holy Spirit and Worship as Subjects.
  • Make sure to note the Location, Status, and write down or take a picture of the Call Number.
    In this case, the copy of the first book that was in the Holy Spirit Resource Center is MISSING, so you would need to get the book from the shelves on the first floor.

Find the Book on the Shelf

image from How to Find a Book in the Library guide

For help on finding the book on the shelf in the Library, see How to Find a Book in the Library or the more detailed guide on finding a book in the Library, How to Find a Book on the Shelves.

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