Faculty AVR Room

The Faculty AVR Room is on the first floor of the J.D. McKean Library, just inside the East entrance.

The Faculty AVR Room is dedicated primarily to use by ORU faculty.

The room is intended for individual research or collaboration with colleagues or students as well as for AVR training. Faculty may occasionally want to reserve the room for an hour or two where they can be easily accessible to their students for the purpose of advising them regarding the selection or use of library materials; however, the room is not intended for regular use as an office or classroom.

The Faculty AVR Room can accommodate up to 3 people.

Technology Available

To enable faculty to use the room to record lectures for classes or practice using AVR, the computer in the Faculty AVR room includes the following software:

  • Zoom
  • Kaltura (video recording and editing software)
  • VR software such as 3D Organon VR and TiltBrush.
  • Adobe Creative Suite
  • 3D printing programs

Equipment available to check out at the Library Services Desk:

  • Webcam
  • Headset with microphone
  • VR controllers (VIVE handset)

How to Reserve the Faculty AVR Room

The Faculty AVR Room is available during posted library hours including evenings and weekends. Faculty may reserve the room by booking it online opens new windowhere. If you need help doing so, please contact the Library Services Desk by emailing LibRef@oru.edu or calling 918-495-6887.

A faculty member may reserve the room for up to 40 hours or five days per semester or summer. The hours per faculty member may be increased upon request should the level of usage permit.

To gain access to the Faculty AVR Room after receiving email verification of the booking, faculty may check out the key from the Library Services Desk, where they should return it when their scheduled time has ended. If the faculty member has reserved the room for an entire day, then the key should be returned to the Library Services Desk no later than 15 minutes prior to the closing of the Library. Faculty members are asked to lock the room whenever they leave the Library and before returning the key.

When unoccupied by faculty, students may use the room on a walk-in basis. Faculty reservations take precedence over students' use.

Other Group Study Rooms

The Library has other group study rooms which faculty are also welcome to use if the faculty research room does not suit the desired purpose. opens new windowFind more information on the group study rooms. To book a group study room, go to the online opens new windowcalendar.