Reference Books in the Library

Reference materials include print and online full text handbooks, specialized encyclopedias, subject dictionaries, atlases, and other sources. They provide objective background information, quick facts, statistics, biographies, and more. Search the library catalog or use a reference database.

To find reference books and ebooks, search the library catalog and limit your results to "Reference Collection."

  • Books are shelved in opens new window Library of Congress Classification (LC) call number order, so similar subjects will be shelved next to each other.
  • Reference books cannot be checked out; however, some titles may have a duplicate in the main collection that is available for checkout. Search the title you need in the library catalog to see if the book is located elsewhere in the library and available for checkout.

You can also browse the following call number sections in the Reference Collection to find reference books on environmental science: GE and portions of GF, QE, QH, QC, TD. View the opens new windowLibrary of Congress chart for environmental sciences.

Database - Credo Reference

- opens new windowEnvironmental Science Mind Map (Click a node in the mind map to generate a new key term display.)
- opens new windowEnvironmental Sciences Topic Pages

Sample Titles:

Database - Gale eBooks

Selected Titles: