- Physical Sciences Journal Collection (ScienceDirect) This link opens in a new window
- ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global This link opens in a new window
- SAGE Premier This link opens in a new window
Professional Organizations:
- IEEEworld's largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. It is a professional organization supporting engineering, computer science, and technology information around the globe.
Style Guide & Citing Sources
- Citing Sources: IEEEORU Library Guide on citing sources
Patents & Standards
- Google Advanced Patent SearchUse Google's custom search to find patents.
- U.S. Patents and Patent Applications -- Full-Text Images (1790 to date)Search the United States Patent and Trademark Office site.
- European Patent Office -- espacenet.comThe EPO provides users with high-quality online patent data from more than 80 different countries. Monitors the three main patent data streams (bibliographic, facsimile images and full text) at key stages in their life cycles to ensure that they are complete, consistent, accurate and up to date.
- Free Patents OnlineFind patents, and articles, blogs, and more about patents.