Search the
- Catalog This link opens in a new window
for books in the ORU Library.
For books in the ORU Library and/or other libraries, look in
- This link opens in a new window
- WorldCat (FirstSearch) This link opens in a new window
or, try other local library catalogs (e.g., opens new windowOSU-Tulsa Library, opens new windowTulsa City-County Library, or the opens new windowUniversity of Tulsa).
You can also find books by browsing the opens new windowL Library of Congress class numbers either by doing a call number search for this classification in the library catalog or by browsing the L section.
- eBook Collection (EBSCOhost) This link opens in a new window
- Ebook Central This link opens in a new window
Note: Signing up for your free personal accounts with both eBook Collection (EBSCOhost) and Ebook Central allows you to use features such as bookmarking and note-taking.
See also opens new windowGoogle Book Search.
For instructions on how to use and download ebooks, use this opens new windowEbooks@ORU guide.
To find materials on Reserve, go to the library Catalog
- Catalog This link opens in a new window
and look in the right menu for the heading "Course Reserves." Click either Course Search or Instructor Search, and then proceed with your search.