Searching the Library Catalog

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The search box on the home page is the best place to start. Choose "Books, Ebooks, and Media" to search for both print and ebooks.

You can change your search options by choosing the following from the dropdown menu:

  • Keyword - for searching all titles, subjects and abstracts for a key word. (most common search)
  • Title - If you know the title of the book, choose "title" from the menu and type the title.
  • Author - If you want to view all the books by an author, type the last name, first name (ex. Roberts, Oral)
  • Subject Heading - Similar to key words, all records have assigned subjects. You can search basic subjects, such as "Pentecostalism"

This search can also be used to find journal titles.

What Is WorldCat?

Screenshot of the interface

WorldCat is a research tool that has helped make modern scholarship possible. It is the largest library catalog in the world!

Besides allowing you to search the world's largest union catalog, it provides an easy way for you to request interlibrary loans (ILL) of books not held by the ORU Library. OCLC members supply an ILL request every 1.4 seconds.

You can use Worldcat to do the following:

  1. To see what books other libraries might have on a particular topic that the ORU Library does not own.
  2. To locate a near-by library that owns a book that is not accessible through the ORU Library.
  3. To initiate an interlibrary loan request for a book or a dissertation from another library.
  4. To find out what books a particular author has written.
  5. To find out whether a book written in a language you don't know has been translated into a language you do know.