Search Terms & Examples
For primary research, include relevant terms in your search, such as report, research, "purpose of the study", experiment, survey, etc.
Browse the broader, narrower and related terms in the thesaurus or subject terms for more targeted results and to see relationship between various topics.
Paste these search examples into the search box of the indicated database(s):
- smartphones AND cognition AND (research or study or report or survey)
In APA PsycInfo and APA PsycArticles
keyword search, limited to Full Text - DE "Color Perception" AND "brain research" NOT ( ADD or ADHD)
In APA PsycInfo
DE=subject, NOT eliminates articles that include ADD or ADHD - "interactive technology" AND cogniti* develop*
In APA PsycInfo
phrase and keyword search; (*) use the asterisk to search all alternative endings - "interactive technology" AND (behavior change)
In PsycINFO, APA PsycArticles, and Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection
phrase and keyword search - "cognitive development" AND (adolescents or teenagers or young adults)
In APA PsycInfo and PsycArticles
phrase and keyword search
TIP: Instead of "adolescent or teenagers or young adults" use the Age Groups limits-Adolescence (13-17 yrs)
Combine keywords and subjects when searching. Search multiple subjects.combine previous searches or add new terms to a previous search.
Use Database Limiters:
In psychology databases, use the limiters listed under Limits to refine your search and eliminate the need for including variant spellings or related terms in your search. After you run a search, you can also add limits to your search by clicking on All filters.
For example, your search may include multiple terms, such as < adolescent OR teen OR young adult or youth >, but do the terms represent different age? If so, which is needed for your research? Using the limiter in APA PsycArticles can target articles for a specific Age Group.
Date, Scholarly Peer-Reviewed, Full Text and other limiters can be used to further refine your search.
Evaluate Sources
Evaluate your resources for authority, timeliness, and relevance.
What are the assignment requirements? While searching, limit your resources to peer-reviewed, scholarly articles. Set date restrictions for current articles and research.
Is the article a primary or secondary source? What type of research or methodology is demonstrated, if any? (theoretical study, case study, cause and effect experiment, survey, etc.)