Search Strategies
Search Examples
- CINAHL Ultimate This link opens in a new window
- MEDLINE with Full Text (EBSCOhost) This link opens in a new window
The example below shows a topic and a variety of searches (in italics). Search expressions include using MeSH terms and keyword.
Try some of the searches below in Academic Search Complete, CINAHL Ultimate, and MEDLINE with Full Text. Then expand searching by using additional relevant databases such as Health Source - Consumer Edition, Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition, Military & Government Collection, Social Work Abstracts, and SocINDEX with Full Text.
Example: Find articles on the physical, mental, and spiritual interventions for human trafficking victims.
- (physical OR mental OR spiritual) AND (help OR interven*) AND human trafficking AND victim*
- (physical OR mental OR spiritual) AND (help OR interven*) AND human trafficking AND victim*
- MH "Human Trafficking/PC/SN/TD"
- intervention AND "human trafficking" AND victim
► Use EagleSearch to identify subject database that have articles on your topic. [Note: Below are preliminary search examples, so most are done in EagleSearch to identify relevant databases. Click the links to view the results and compare the search expressions.]
► Use truncation (*) to search words with alternative endings. (i.e., manage searches manage, manages, managed, management)
► Quotation marks around a phrase refines a search and brings up fewer articles.
► Watch for alternative word spellings, such as postpartum instead of post-partum.
► Apply appropriate limiters: peer reviewed, date, language, age, evidence-based, etc.
Change search expression or add limiters to refine the results.
- post-partum psychosis AND ( manage* or therapy )
- post-partum psychosis AND ( "early recognition" or screening )
- postpartum psychosis AND ( "early recognition" or screening )
- postpartum depression AND ( screening or "risk factors" ) AND ( treat* or manage* ) AND ( Mental health and impact )
Too few results? Use fewer words, eliminate phrases, and change keywords.
- (African-American or Asian) AND immigrant* AND "healthcare practices"
- (African-American or Asian) AND immigrant* AND healthcare AND (belief or practice*)
- (African-American or Asian) AND immigrant* AND healthcare AND ( belief* or practice* ) AND ( barrier* or challenge* )
Search subject databases. Alter your search expression.
- reintubation AND ( Failure rate or prevent* or risk ) AND "hospital stay"
- extubation failure AND reintubation AND mortality rate
- prevent* AND reintubation AND (extubation or intervention* - EagleSearch
- prevent* AND reintubation AND (extubation or intervention) - in MEDLINE, CINAHL, and Health Source: Nursing/Academic
Review search result titles, abstracts and subjects to glean alternative, but related concepts to search.
- ( women AND refugee AND health AND practices AND "Middle Eastern"
- refugee AND health AND practices AND ("Middle Eastern" or Iranian or Syrian) AND (women or female) and U.S.
- health AND practices AND ("Middle Eastern" or Iranian or Syrian) AND (women or female) AND U.S.
Too many results? Add keywords to the search; use more defined keyword expressions or phrases. Use limiters to refine to specific age groups.
- ( girl or female or adolescent ) AND "eating disorder"
- ("adolescent girl" or "adolescent female") AND ("eating disorders" or anorexia or bulimia or binge-eating)
- ("eating disorders" or anorexia or bulimia or binge-eating) AND (psychological or mental or emotional) AND (develop* or effect) AND (intervention* or treatment*) AND nurs*
Looking for a specific research type? Add it to the search or use the database Advanced Search special limiters such as evidence-based practice.
- (domestic or partner) AND (volence or abuse) AND screening
- ((domestic or partner) AND (violence or abuse) ) AND ( power or control or manipulation ) AND ( (emotional or psychological) and abuse )
- ( (domestic or partner) and (violence or abuse) ) AND ( power or control or manipulation ) AND ( (emotional or psychological) and abuse ) AND (screening or effective interventions) AND nurs*
- ( (domestic or partner) and (violence or abuse) ) AND ( (emotional or psychological) and abuse ) AND ( screening or effective interventions ) AND nurs* AND systematic review
- search in Academic Search, APA PsycArticles, APA PsycInfo, CINAHL, Health source: Nursing Academic, and Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection - ( adolescent or youth or young adult or teen ) AND evidence-based research AND ( intervention or risk ) AND pregnancy
- teen pregnancy AND evidence-based AND research
- pregnancy AND adolescent AND evidence-based
Use MeSH or CINAHL Subject Headings.
- autism AND nursing education AND healthcare
- (MH "Autistic Disorder/NU")
- search in MEDLINE and CINAHL; MH= major heading - (MH "Maternal Mortality") AND (environmental or socioeconomic) AND risk factors
- (MH "Maternal Mortality") AND (inadequate AND (insurance or prenatal care))
- (MH "Maternal Mortality") AND ( barriers or (poverty or "low income" or limited education) ) AND ( nurs* and intervention )
A text (TX) search may provide some relevant results.
- Nurs* AND ( burnout or depression or anxiety ) AND TX Death Anxiety Questionnaire
- Nurs* AND (burnout or depression s or anxiety) AND "mindfulness training"
Use a variety of databases, terms, boolean operators, and field searching (i.e., Text, MeSH).
- TX ACE score AND foster care child*
- ACE score AND foster care child* AND nursing intervention and study [Google Scholar, 2018-2023]
- trauma-informed care AND foster care AND (child* or pediatric*) AND assess* AND nurs*
- trauma-informed care AND pediatric nursing AND (intervention OR tools OR assessment)
- trauma-informed care AND TX ( pediatric nursing AND (intervention OR tools OR assessment) ) AND TX foster care
- childhood trauma AND foster care AND (assess* or intervention or support) AND (Adverse Childhood Experiences or ACE)
- Sample article citation: Fratto, C. M. (2016). Trauma-informed care for youth in foster care. Archives of psychiatric nursing, 30(3), 439-446. opens new window