About Evidence-Based Practice & Levels of Evidence

Evidence-based practice (EBP) is utilizing best research evidence and integrating it with the practitioner's expertise and patient values. EBP provides nurses with improved actions and activities to effectively deliver patient care.

EBP journals include articles based on evidence and clinical expertise for the best available patient care and decision-making practices. EBP articles include a discussion of current research or a literature review related to the article topic. To evaluate EBPs, levels of evidence are used.

It is important to evaluate or identify the level of evidence to determine if it is credible, valid, reliable, and appropriate for practice. For example, randomized controlled trials (RCT), designed to be unbiased and with less risk of errors, are at the highest level, whereas literature reviews, case reports or expert opinions are at the lowest level. When searching for evidence-based information, choose the highest level of evidence: randomized controlled trials (RCT) and systematic review of RTCs, with or without meta-analysis.

See also: How do we know we know levels are reliable? (Levels of Evidence)

How to Find EBP Articles & Journals in CINAHL and MEDLINE

On Advanced search in CINAHL and MEDLINE, to search for articles from evidence-based practice journals and about evidence-based practice, under Filters, mark the limiter Evidence-Based Practice.

Or when searching, add relevant phrase in quotation marks, such as "evidence based", "evidence-based practice", or "best practices".


Scroll the Filter list to view more options, including:

  • Special Interest (Critical Care, Emergency Care, EBP, Nursing Administration, Palliative/Hospice Care, etc.),
  • Age Groups
  • Publication Type (systematic reviews, clinical trials, meta analyses, qualitative studies, etc.)

Evidence-Based Nursing in Consumer Health Complete

The database includes more than 2,000 articles on opens new windowEvidence-based nursing articles.

CINAHL Evidence-Based Care Sheets

What are Evidence-Based Care Sheets?

CINAHL Evidence-Based Care Sheets (EBCS) are summaries on specific key topics, which are focused on nursing practice. Each evidence-based care sheet incorporates the latest evidence, statistics, research and references on a given topic. The references are ranked, using a coding matrix, according to the type of literature they represent (systematic reviews, meta-analysis, etc).

To browse and search the list of Evidence-Based Care Sheets in CINAHL, in Advanced search, under Filters, scroll to Publication Type, and select Evidence-Based Care Sheets. Click Search to browse the list of all the care sheets or key in a search term to search for specific care sheets..

Evidence-Based Care Sheets

Several examples are listed below followed by the suggested APA citation:

Note: For citations, always check the print manual and follow your professor's requirement.

Helpful Books

Search the catalog for books and ebooks that have links to the full text.