ORU Library Catalog
- Catalog This link opens in a new window
Use the library catalog to find books and other items in the library. Ebook titles, with links to the full text ebooks, are also included in the catalog. Narrow your results with a subject search.
Reference Ebook Databases
- Credo Reference This link opens in a new window
- Use the Mind Map option to expand or narrow your topic and view relationship between concepts.
- Gale eBooks This link opens in a new window
- For topic connections, use Advanced Search and click the topic Finder tab.
Search Ebook Databases
- Ebook Central This link opens in a new window
Search Tips:
• Combine keyword and subject searching to narrow your results.
• Use the Sort By option to arrange the results. For example, Publication Date will sort the newest ebooks at the top of your list. (circled below)
• To view the 20 most relevant chapters from your result list, after you have done a search and have a list of results, click the Chapter Results tab. (circled below)
- eBook Collection (EBSCOhost) This link opens in a new window
• Set a date limit for your search: Click tools. From the Any time... drop menu, select Custom Range and enter a date range.
• Link to books in WorldCat and the ORU Library Catalog: Search Google Books. Click a book title.
• In the left menu, click Find in a library, which may be listed under the Get this book in print drop menu. The link goes to the book record in WorldCat.org.
- WorldCat.org This link opens in a new window
In WorldCat.org, libraries that own the item, along with links to their library catalogs, are listed (by proximity of your location) below the book information. When a book is available at ORU, a link to the ORU Library Catalog will be first on the list.
Click a library catalog link or, if the book is not available at ORU, click the Request Item link, then complete and submit the interlibrary loan request for the book.