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EBSCO's discovery service (EDS) is called EagleSearch at ORU. This interface provides access to the majority of ORU resources through a single entry point. Quick overview of EBSCO's Discovery Service (EDS)
Full-text journals provided by American Theological Library Association (Atla) in many diverse areas of religion and theology. Coverage from over 30 different countries with content in 16 languages. Content includes sacred texts, world religions, interfaith dialogue, contextual and systematic theology, denominational history, ethics, etc.
-- In the MORE drop menu, choose Indexes. For Browse an Index, select Subject Terms. Key in Dostoevsky. Mark terms that are relevant and click the Add button.
-- In advanced search, key in Dostoevsky. Change Select a Field to SU Subject or AU Author Personal.
Full-text content covering all aspects of humanities including articles, interviews, book reviews, reviews of ballets, dance programs, motion pictures, musicals, operas, plays, etc. More database information from EBSCO.
Includes more than 2,700 dissertations and these results for a search on Fyodor Dostoevsky.
Provides indexing for millions of dissertations, with the full-text available for immediate free download and many available for purchase in print; the official digital dissertation archive for the Library of Congress. More database information from ProQuest.