Sample Topic 1
Ethical or moral arguments/viewpoints (see the Tips tab above for additional search helps)
Possible keywords: debate, moral or ethical aspects, ethics, bioethics, philosophical or religious objections, ethical dilemma, moral argument, scientific ethics, association, effect, cause, view*
Sample searches:
• opens new window"human cloning" AND (moral or ethic*) AND (pros or cons) or debate
• opens new windowanimal testing AND (debate or objection*) AND (philosophical or religious or ethic*)
• opens new window (ethical or moral) AND (video games and violence)
• opens new window (ethical or moral) AND (video games and violence) AND (study or research or "recent findings")
• opens new windowDE "moral & ethical aspects" AND nanomedicine (DE=subject heading)
Sample Topic 2
Should students be required to wear school uniforms?
Possible keywords: school uniforms, effect, improve, academic achievement, student rights, prevention, school violence, First Amendment, improve academic performance, learning environment
Sample searches:
• opens new windowDE "school uniforms" AND improv* AND (academic or learning) (in Education Source, ERIC and Academic Search Complete)
• opens new window"school uniforms" AND pros and cons AND (academic or learning) (in Education Source and Academic Search Complete)
• opens new window"school uniforms" (in Points of View Reference Center)
Sample articles:
opens new windowSchool Uniforms: An Overview
opens new windowPoint: The High Cost of School Uniforms
opens new window Counterpoint: School Dress Codes Improve the Learning Environment
Sample Topic 3
The effects of U.S. Supreme Court decisions on juvenile drug offenders
Possible keywords: supreme court cases, history, chronology, juvenile sentences, juvenile courts, advocates, convictions, juvenile corrections, violent offenders vs. non-violent offenders, outcomes, effects, criminal procedures, repeat offenders, etc.
Sample searches:
• opens new windowjuvenile AND (conviction* or sentenc*) AND drug AND (violent or non-violent) (in Academic Search Complete, SocINDEX with Full Text, America: History and Life with Full Text, Military & Government Collection, Political Science Complete)
• opens new windowDE "DISCRIMINATION in juvenile justice administration" OR DE "TRIAL & sentencing of children as adults" (in Academic Search Complete, SocINDEX, America: History and Life, Military & Government Collection, Political Science Complete)
• opens new windowU.S. Supreme Court AND cases AND juvenile AND drug AND (conviction* or sentenc*) (in Academic Search Complete, SocINDEX, America: History and Life, Military & Government Collection, Political Science Complete)