Sample Topic 1

Ethical or moral arguments/viewpoints (see the Tips tab above for additional search helps)

Possible keywords: debate, moral or ethical aspects, ethics, bioethics, philosophical or religious objections, ethical dilemma, moral argument, scientific ethics, association, effect, cause, view*
Sample searches:
opens new window"human cloning" AND (moral or ethic*) AND (pros or cons) or debate
opens new windowanimal testing AND (debate or objection*) AND (philosophical or religious or ethic*)
opens new window (ethical or moral) AND (video games and violence)
opens new window (ethical or moral) AND (video games and violence) AND (study or research or "recent findings")
opens new windowDE "moral & ethical aspects" AND nanomedicine (DE=subject heading)

Sample Topic 2

Should students be required to wear school uniforms?

Possible keywords: school uniforms, effect, improve, academic achievement, student rights, prevention, school violence, First Amendment, improve academic performance, learning environment
Sample searches:
opens new windowDE "school uniforms" AND improv* AND (academic or learning) (in Education Source, ERIC and Academic Search Complete)
opens new window"school uniforms" AND pros and cons AND (academic or learning) (in Education Source and Academic Search Complete)
opens new window"school uniforms" (in Points of View Reference Center)
Sample articles:
opens new windowSchool Uniforms: An Overview
opens new windowPoint: The High Cost of School Uniforms
opens new window Counterpoint: School Dress Codes Improve the Learning Environment

Sample Topic 3

The effects of U.S. Supreme Court decisions on juvenile drug offenders

Possible keywords: supreme court cases, history, chronology, juvenile sentences, juvenile courts, advocates, convictions, juvenile corrections, violent offenders vs. non-violent offenders, outcomes, effects, criminal procedures, repeat offenders, etc.
Sample searches:
opens new windowjuvenile AND (conviction* or sentenc*) AND drug AND (violent or non-violent) (in Academic Search Complete, SocINDEX with Full Text, America: History and Life with Full Text, Military & Government Collection, Political Science Complete)
opens new windowDE "DISCRIMINATION in juvenile justice administration" OR DE "TRIAL & sentencing of children as adults" (in Academic Search Complete, SocINDEX, America: History and Life, Military & Government Collection, Political Science Complete)
opens new windowU.S. Supreme Court AND cases AND juvenile AND drug AND (conviction* or sentenc*) (in Academic Search Complete, SocINDEX, America: History and Life, Military & Government Collection, Political Science Complete)