Search Examples & Tips

The examples below are provided to support the information provided and practice searches used during the LIBBI session.

Copy and past the sample search strategies into the database search box and evaluate the lists of search results.

Search, then tweak and edit the terms, search fields, subjects, databases, etc. to match your research needs.

Use your personal folder in EBSCO or cloud storage (Google Drive or OneDrive) to save and manage your sources.

Please inquire at the Library Services Desk if you assistance, use opens new windowAsk-A-Librarian, or opens new windowrequest an appointment with a librarian.

Use as few or as many terms needed to get relevant results. Set restrictions for source types, dates, thesaurus and/or subjects. (DE= descriptors or subjects)


Combine a previous search with another search or new terms.combine keyword and subject searching.

In EBSCO databases, use the Search History show/hide link to view a list of your previous searches.

Use CTRL+F, then key in a term to see where it occurs in the document.

Use available limiters to refine your search. What are your paper requirements? Set relevant limits, such as Date, Scholarly Peer-Reviewed articles, and other limiters to refine your search.

Search Strategies

Use the chart below to guide you in developing effective search expressions.

Search Strategies

Search Expression Examples

Compare the results of a variety of search expressions and resources. (DE = subject)

  • DE "DRONE aircraft" AND "international law" (in Legal Collection, Military & Government Collection databases)
    DE "Slavery"AND DE "GENOCIDE" (in Humanities International Complete; two subject searches)
  • slavery AND genocide (in Humanities International Complete, Academic Search Complete; keyword search)
  • DE "RELIGION & politics" AND ( effect* or caus* or outcome* ) (in Political Science Complete, Humanities International Complete; keyword and subject search)
    DE "Politics and religion" AND (effect* or influenc* or impact*) (in Atla Religion Database with AtlaSerials PLUS; subject search)

Search Examples

TOPIC: Support and education of women victims of human trafficking

Possible keywords:
human trafficking, women, education, intervention, support, support groups, victims, trauma, escape, psychological, emotional, recovery, intervention strategies

Sample searches:

  • DE "human trafficking" AND women AND education AND U.S. (in Academic Search Complete, APA PsycArticles, PscyINFO, SocINDEX with Full Text)
  • women victims AND human trafficking AND education AND support (in ASC, APA PsycArticles, PscyINFO, SocINDEX)

TOPIC: The effects of U.S. Supreme Court decisions on juvenile drug offenders

Possible keywords:
supreme court cases, history, chronology, juvenile sentences, juvenile courts, advocates, convictions, juvenile corrections, violent offenders vs. non-violent offenders, outcomes, effects, criminal procedures, repeat offenders, etc.

Sample searches:
• juvenile AND (conviction* or sentenc*) AND drug AND (violent or non-violent) (in Academic Search Complete, SocINDEX with Full Text, America: History and Life with Full Text, Military & Government Collection, Political Science Complete)
• DE "DISCRIMINATION in juvenile justice administration" OR DE "TRIAL & sentencing of children as adults" (in ASC, SocINDEX, America: History and Life, Military & Government Collection, PSC)
• DE "DISCRIMINATION in juvenile justice administration" OR DE "TRIAL & sentencing of children as adults" AND supreme court cases (in ASC, SocINDEX, America: History and Life, Military & Government Collection, PSC)
• U.S. Supreme Court AND cases AND juvenile AND drug AND (conviction* or sentenc*) (in ASC, SocINDEX, America: History and Life, Military & Government Collection, PSC)
• U.S. Supreme Court AND juvenile AND (conviction* or sentenc*) (in ASC, SocINDEX, America: History and Life, Military & Government Collection, PSC)
• "After Supreme Court Ruling, States Act on Juvenile Sentences" (Web search on PEW: Stateline)
• U.S. Supreme Court cases juvenile (in Ebook Central)

Find Articles in a Selected Journal

  • Find articles on conflict management in Policy Studies Journal Search:
  1. Use the link above to go to the Journal Finder+ (Journals by Titles Search)
  2. Key in the journal title.
    To search a specific database and view the detailed journal record, click a database name with full text access.
    To search all listed "Full Text Access" databases, use "Search within Publication" and key in your term(s) or topic(s).

JN "Policy Studies Journal" and "conflict management"

Video tutorial: opens new windowHow to find an article from a citation.