Research Steps

This research guide provides subject and discipline related resources, search strategies, and research tips to support course assignments and student research success.

Steps to effective research

Note: If you are unfamiliar with searching for books, ebooks, and articles, learn to use library search tools by viewing the videos on the library's opens new windowVideo Tutorials page.

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Selected Articles

Cunningham, C. M., Hazel, M., & Hayes, T. J. (2020). opens new windowCommunication and Leadership 2020: Intersectional, Mindful, and Digital. Communication Research Trends, 39(1), 4–31.

Mayfield, J., Mayfield, M., & Neck, C. P. (2021). opens new windowSpeaking to the Self: How Motivating Language Links With Self-Leadership. International Journal of Business Communication, 58(1), 31–54.

Yue, C. A., Men, L. R., & Ferguson, M. A. (2021). opens new windowExamining the Effects of Internal Communication and Emotional Culture on Employees’ Organizational Identification. International Journal of Business Communication, 58(2), 169–195.

opens new windowView more articles on communication and leadership.

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thumbnail link to AVON video "The importance of nonverbal communication"