The new J. D. McKean Library

The beautiful new J.D. McKean Library opened August 18, 2023. The library is open until midnight five nights a week during the academic year. Library hours are posted here: 

J.D. McKean library grand staircase Many of our less-frequently needed print books and journals are stored in a "library annex" in the CityPlex Towers, available to our users on request. 

Research Assistants

The library is has hired two part time research assistants and two graduate assistants to oversee the library during weekend and evening hours. They will provide basic research help and refer students for more help from the liaison librarian for their subject area.

Loletha Jefferson, M.Div., Reference Assistant
Loletha Jefferson

Hope Smashey, Reference Assistant
Hope Smashey

Jovita Phillip, Graduate Assistant
Jovita Phillip

Denny Sam Jacob, Graduate Assistant
Denny Sam Jacob