Plagiarism Quiz - Introduction

This quiz was created at another university and is freely shared under a Creative Commons license. You may want to take this as a practice quiz to test your understanding of plagiarism and help you prepare for any quiz you may take later for credit in one of your courses.

For the best learning experience, please review each of the tabs in this tutorial (opens new windowTerminology Overview, opens new windowNote Taking, and opens new windowCiting Sources) before taking the quiz.

When you have reviewed this material, take this quiz to see if you know everything you need to know about plagiarism.

The quiz contains several exercises that simulate the types of dilemmas you may encounter during the course of an academic year. It should take about fifteen minutes to complete.

opens new windowClick here to take the practice quiz.


Adapted from collaborative project funded by the Middlebury College Center for Educational Technology and developed by opens new windowColby College, opens new windowBates College and opens new windowBowdoin College. Please direct questions and enquiries to

opens new windowCreative Commons LicenseThis work is licensed under a opens new windowCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License.