Search Reference databases for background information and brief biographical entries.
Reference Databases
- Credo Reference This link opens in a new window
Key in a person's name to do a basic search. Or, in the Advanced Search, key in a person's name. Click the right-pointing arrow (►) in front of Articles with the Following Features and mark Biography. Click Search. Click a title to view the article.
- opens new window Oral Roberts
- opens new windowGrace Hopper
- opens new windowAlfred Nobel
To find related terms, persons, or topics use the Mind Map (shown below).
- Gale eBooks This link opens in a new window
- Oxford Reference Online This link opens in a new window
Sample Reference Book Titles (In the Library)
General biographical resources are shelved in the CT call number section.
Subject and specialized sources are shelved among related topical works. For example, Baker's Biographical Dictionary of Musicians is shelved in the ML, or music section. While generally defining terms and concepts, some sources may give biographical information for persons important in their particular field.
- The Cambridge Biographical Encyclopedia, CT103.C4
- The Cambridge Dictionary of American Biography, CT213. C36
- opens new window Encyclopaedia Judaica, also available in print, DS102.8.E496
- McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of World Biography, CT103. M27
- One to two page descriptions of influential figures from the history of the world. A short bibliography ends each article.
- opens new windowOral Roberts: An American Life, Ebook
- opens new windowOxford Dictionary of Saints, Ebook
- opens new windowScientists, Mathematicians, and Inventors...People Who Changed the World, Ebook
The New International Dictionary of Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements by
Call Number: BR1644 .D53 2002 Reference and Holy Spirit Resource CenterISBN: 0310224810Publication Date: 2002Dictionary of Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements by
Call Number: BR1644 .D53 1988ISBN: 0310441005Publication Date: 1988The Concise Dictionary of Pastoral Care and Counseling by
Call Number: BV4005.5 .C66 2010 ReferenceISBN: 9781426702310Publication Date: 2010