Each volume in this series of companions to major topics and key figures in theology and religious studies contains specially commissioned essays by international scholars; provides and accessible and stimulating introduction to each subject.
A major online collection of Karl Barth's works provided by Princeton Theological Seminary and Theologischer Verlag Zurich; researchers can cross-search among all Barth's works. Results can be viewed, organized, and analyzed at an unprecedented
pace and precision.
Authoritative ebooks in a wide range of subject areas. TIP: The Bookshelf feature allows you to store ebooks, create notes, highlight text, add Web links, and more. To access or create your personalized bookshelf, click the Bookshelf link in Ebook Central and sign in using your ORU Single Sign-On (SSO). To delete ebook titles, highlights and notes in your bookshelf, use the delete trash icon at the right in your folder. View Ebook Central how-to videos
This eBook collection provides titles covering diverse worldwide religions and explores areas of study such as the social, cultural, and historical impacts of religion.
Full-text research and reference materials, original articles, blogs, book reviews, thematic topics, devotions, prayers, sermon starters all fully searchable.
"...Essays on critical topics and emerging issues in the study of religion, complementing hundreds of essays on Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism and cross-cultural thematic studies."
The Past Masters series offers primary source full-text electronic editions of significant titles in philosophy, religious studies, political thought and many other disciplines. Our selected collection offers full-text searching across the database which includes published and unpublished works, articles, essays, reviews, and correspondence.
Full-text ebooks cross-searchable by subject, author, religion, work. "Researchers can search across hundreds of fully-digitized documents to instantly compare how different theories, denominations, and cultural groups have intersected, differed, and influenced one another."
"A multivolume, cross-searchable online collection that brings together the seminal works and archival materials related to worldwide religious thinkers from the early 1900s until the first decade of the 21st century. This resource represents voices from Christianity, Judaism, and Islam featuring significant thinkers of history."
Full-text journals provided by American Theological Library Association (Atla) in many diverse areas of religion and theology. Coverage from over 30 different countries with content in 16 languages. Content includes sacred texts, world religions, interfaith dialogue, contextual and systematic theology, denominational history, ethics, etc.
Provides extensive coverage of such topics as world religions, major denominations, biblical studies, religious history, epistemology, political philosophy, philosophy of language, moral philosophy and the history of philosophy. More database information from Ebsco, including title lists.
Objective summaries of articles which appear in scholarly journals covering religion and theology from Christian, Jewish, and other world religions. Abstracts are in English but also include articles written in Hebrew, Afrikaans, and major European languages. Search Help Tutorial
"Free access to an archive of the PASCAL and FRANCIS bibliographic databases in exact, human, and social sciences since 1972." Classification schemes for Searching both databases Search by Vocabulary
A search returns bibliographic citations; check Publication Finder for journal access.
A Google custom search engine created by an ORU librarian, which targets over 1,000 Websites/pages to retrieve full-text articles from over 350 open access journals, magazines, and newsletters related to religious studies, scripture studies, systematic theology, practical theology, and cognate disciplines. More information about the Theological Journals Search(including a list of the journals searchable in this custom search engine).