Library Services
opens new windowResearch Assistance
Librarians are available for help and advice on research and access to library resources and services during all opens new windowhours the library is open. Service is available in person, by phone, text, chat, video conference, or email. Librarians are also available opens new windowby appointment for research consultations.
opens new windowBorrowing 
Current students, faculty, and staff of ORU can check out circulating books and media from the library. opens new windowLending periods vary.
opens new windowCourse Reserves and Library Reserves
The Reserve collection consists of books, audiovisuals, tests, short articles, and other items placed on reserve for student use in conjunction with courses offered at ORU.
opens new windowLibrary Instruction
opens new windowInterlibrary Loan
Students and faculty may request books and articles not owned by the ORU library.